Friday, August 29, 2008

Karson 4 Days Old

Karson Jack Bawden

Meet Our Newest Addition. This is our sweet guy Karson. He is such a good baby.

Proud Grandparents

Grandpa Jack, NaNa, Grandpa Bawden, Grandma Bawden were all present when Karson enter the world. I want to say thank you to my dad for getting the birth on video and NaNa for taking all the pictures that we will cherish. I love you all very much.

Karson Has Arrived

Kent and I are the proud parents of a new baby boy. Karson was born August 24th at 7:11pm . He weighed 7lbs measuring 21 inches long. Not bad for being 2 1/2 weeks early. He was just perfect. We are so blessed to have a healthy baby boy. Karson's now has 7 brothers and sisters. He can't wait to meet them all. So much love for this little guy.

Karson's Crib and Baby Bedding

Big Thanks to Julie and Bob for letting us use their porta crib. It was so nice that we didn't have to go out a purchase one last crib. Even though our little guy deserves one we thought the porta crib was perfect. Marybeth you did an amazing job on the baby bedding. Thank you so much. I love it and I knew you would pick out the perfect material for Karson.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Baby Shower

I want to Thank Paola and Julie for giving me a fabulous BABY SHOWER. Paola opened her home on August 23rd and I have to say for just moving in on August 19th you really had everything together. What a beautiful home you have Paola.. I want to thank everyone who came to my shower and for the beautiful gifts I received. I can't believe he came the next day:)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Just Having Fun

Its hard to get the kids psyched about taking pictures. I recently heard a suggestion from my wonderful sister in law Trisha "just don't tell them your going to take pictures. Wait until you get to your destination like the park or where ever and then just happen to take the camera out and start shooting." I'll have to try it. My kids give me so much grief and it breaks my heart. I love to take pictures as you can tell but these are my guinea pigs. If I can't practice on my kids how am I going to get any closer to becoming the professional photographer I dream about. Don't worry I won't quit my day job. These are a few shots I got the other day but I was playing around with the lighting and trying to adjust the black and whites and sepia tones. Its a working progress. I still have a chance with Kennedi and with Kohner right around the corner there is still hope. I guess I'll give Kaden and Kaiah a break for awhile.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


We are slowly but surly getting settled in the new house. There are still quite a few boxes to unpack but I figure we have plenty of time to sort through all of that STUFF. To be honest I was really nervous about moving across town and very sad to leave Henderson but I am adjusting very well. I have to admit I don't do very well with change. I am a creature of habit and I get settled into a routine and I find them hard to break. Its very peaceful on the Northwest and I don't find it as congested but I have to say its growing......

We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Kohner Jack Bawden. Over the past few days I've had lots of contractions but not strong enough to make it into labor and delivery. I still need more time to get ready. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow so we will see what she says.

Kaden and Kaiah are getting ready to start school. Kaden will be entering the third grade and Kaiah will be in KINDERGARTEN. She is so excited:) She has been waiting for this day for so long. They have been pretty busy lately. Last week they spent a few days in California with Grandpa Jack and Nana. They just returned today from Lake Havasu, again with Grandpa Jack and Nana. Tomorrow they will take off for California again with their dad and will be back on Sunday.

Tonight Kennedi finally went to sleep in her crib. For several months now she has been sleeping with mom and dad. I can't remember the last time I had a good nights rest. That explains why I am also so cranky. Each day I would say to Kent "Okay tonight she is sleeping in her own bed," and as bed time approached I found myself laying down with her in my bed. This went on for days. I guess I found some sort of comfort in that routine. As the night went on the comfort slowly started to slip away. Kennedi is a wild child. She was all over the place and her favorite spot was in mine or Kent's side. We were getting kicked, slapped, head butted, and the best part she would sit up and yell BAAAAA. That meant sippy cup of milk. I finally did it, but let me tell you it was not easy. Maybe because I am emotional right now being pregnant but once I put her in the crib and saw her crying hysterically I almost took her out and carried her into my bed. Of course I was crying too. It seemed the more I tried to comfort her she would cry even harder. I finally had to just turn around and walk out of her room. It took a few minutes and then she quieted down. As I am typing right now I hear her upstairs starting to cry again. What to do? Do I go upstairs and comfort her or let her cry herself to sleep again? This is really hard. I've heard it takes a few nights to get through this. Wish me luck, I have to be strong. Poor Kohner doesn't get one night in bed with us. I don't want to go through this again.

Its late, I should take the opportunity to enjoy the extra space in my bed and utilize it. Good night and I'll keep you all updated with baby news.


Sunday, August 3, 2008

Lipstick is a girls second bestfriend. I can't keep this girl out of my make-up bag. Everytime I turn around she is in my purse. I obviously got to her a little late this time. Not only is this bright but its extended wear. This was a job for DADDY. Kent came to the rescue with Goo Off. I'm sure we will have many more lipstick events to follow.

This is what our new home looks like. We are so excited:)

Our New HOME.....

It finally funded and recorded last Thursday. What a Whirlwind. The process of buying a new house these days is almost impossible. I lost my patients a long time ago but if you back out you loose your earnst money and that wasn't going to happen. The fight went on and on and I feel like we finally won. I'm pregnant and exhausted so that didn't help. We are very excited but now we have to pack. I haven't come across anyone yet who enjoys moving. Of course the end result is worth it. If you could only see me in action. I pack one box and then I feel like I have to go lie down. I'm worthless:( I have to keep moving because the slower I move the quicker our new baby is going to arrive. I want to be settled and be able to relax for five minutes before our previous little boy arrives. I can't even tell you how many days I have left. I guess its time I check out my own ticker on my blog, heheheeeeeeeeee. Thanks for everyone's love and support with the process of the new home. We can't wait to be closer to our family.

Kent & Jacquie

Kent & Jacquie

Kennedi & Daddy

Kennedi & Daddy
I love my Daddy!

Kaden & Kaiah

Kaden & Kaiah

Mommy & Kennedi

Mommy & Kennedi

Kaiah & Kennedi

Kaiah & Kennedi
sisters forever!