Friday, September 28, 2007


Kennedi is 7 months old. She is growing so fast I want everything to slow down a bit. She has two teeth and no hair. Got to love all those bald babies. Maybe its a sign that when her hair finally does decide to grow in it will get long and thick unlike my own. She has amazing blue eyes and a smile that goes on for days. Kent and I are so blessed to have such a happy beautiful little girl. Kennedi just loves all her brothers and sisters. For all of you who don't know this important information Kent has four older children too. For all you lucky moms' whose children sleep through the night, that is not me. I don't know where I went wrong but my daughter still wakes up at least one time but lately it has been two or three times. I keep telling myself this will not last forever. My love for her is endless and that is what keeps me going on with all these sleepless nights.


Kaiah is 4 1/2 years old going on twenty!!! She is such a joy and loves all the attention. Kaiah started pre-Kindergarten this year at Mrs. Robin's School. What a lovely lady Mrs. Robin is. Kaiah is having a ball. Kaiah also learned how to ride a two wheeler yesterday and she did it on her first try. Enough though we all know how dangerous the "Razor" scooters are, I have to give them credit because that is how both of my two older children learned how to ride a bike so fast. Its the balance coordination they learn from the scooters at an early age. Just a food for thought. Kaiah has been enrolled in gym class for the past year and half. I don't see a big future in gym for her but look out American Idol you might see this girl soon. Kaiah loves to sing and dance. She can carry a tune and also has a bit of rhythm too. She loves being a big sister!


Kaden is now 8 years old and started the second grade. Kaden recently enrolled with the Cub Scouts and is playing flag football for his third season. Even though he is out numbered by two sisters Kaden is able to hold his own. He is a loving brother and most of the time allows his sister Kaiah to participate with him and his friends but she does get pushed aside at times. I'm sure we all can remember those days. He is a big help around the house of course with a little prompting, but he sure does love his allowance.

Thursday, September 27, 2007


My wonderful husband recently started with a new company "Wyndham" Vacation Resorts. We are all very excited because we will be seeing more of him. Kent has put in some long hours over at his last resort and he based this recent move knowing he would have more time with his family. He still enjoys riding his chopper and of course loves playing golf. I'm sure he doesn't get out as often as he would like to. Ladies I have to admit he is a wonderful father too. Wow am I lucky. How many men out there wake up in the middle of the night with a newborn and then turns around gets up in the morning with the baby too. I can't tell you how many mornings I get to sleep in, I could get used to this.


I'm usually one of the last people to figure things out but I'm going to get this blogging down. I recently read my niece Melissa and my friend Trisha's blog and thought it was pretty amazing. I recently picked up a new hobby "photography" and I thought this would be a great way for me to share my progress with all my family and friends. Now don't be afraid to give me any feedback postive or negative, it will be greatly appreciated.

Kent & Jacquie

Kent & Jacquie

Kennedi & Daddy

Kennedi & Daddy
I love my Daddy!

Kaden & Kaiah

Kaden & Kaiah

Mommy & Kennedi

Mommy & Kennedi

Kaiah & Kennedi

Kaiah & Kennedi
sisters forever!