Saturday, December 13, 2008

My little Monkey

I know this layout is a little late but I feel like my little Monkey falls short of any kind of spot light. I am in the process of getting his scrapbook in order. He is now 3 1/2 months and I have promised him I will try a little harder to show him off more.

He is so darn cute. He is just a love bug. when he smiles he just lights up the room. What a great baby. God always delivers what we can handle. He knew my patients were being tested by the other three so he created this little happy baby who doesn't require much. A little bottle here, maybe a diaper change there.... No I would go to the ends of the earth for any of my children. They are all perfect in my eyes.
Three month layout to follow.


I know I am one of last but I just signed onto Facebook.

Time is just slipping away

Why don't I feel like there is enough time in the day to get anything done. Before I had my fourth baby I thought I could do it all. Now you throw one more into the mix and its completely turned my world upside down. I don't understand? Can anyone please explain? I am exhausted all the time and CRANKY. I'm trying to get a schedule down but its been a slow process.

Christmas.... Oh did I say that out loud! I can't believe its 12 days away and I'm not even close to being ready. I am having a hard time getting into the spirit this year but I'm forcing myself because of the four beautiful children who look forward to Santa arriving down our Chimney. Well I can't really call it a chimney because its a flame with a flip of a switch. What do they call those? Okay I am starting to sound real negative I better change my tune real quick. We are going to go decorate our stockings and ornaments now. I'll check in later.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

School Pictures

Not Bad, not bad. Here are the kids school pictures. Kaiah isn't camera shy and Kaden warms up to the camera more each year.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Grandma Jane's Visit

Grandma Jane came into town last week for a couple days. We had a fun visit. She enjoyed all chaois that goes on over here and she even experienced her first High School Musical movie. Grandma is a big Nascar fan. We drove out to the Speedway so she could take a few photos. We are hoping that Grandma and Greg make it out in March for the next big race and they could stay with us again. Yes I know thats a ways off.

We all had a fun time with Grandma. Can't wait until we can see her again! Lots of love.


Yes I am a bit late posting my halloween pictures. Better late than never. I recently went back to work and trying to staying ontop of everything has been overwhelming.

The Badgewell's from our old neighborhood joined in on the festivities. We all started out at our wonderful neighhors house Gary and Danielle. We ordered some Rosatti's Pizza and then headed out for a night of trick or treating. The kids eneded up with tonzzzzzzzzz of candy, a mouth full of cavities waiting to happen. Kennedi was really cute to watch. Every house she walked up to and received a piece of candy she felt she needed to eat it right on the spot. She did a goood job. Couldn't quite say "trick or treat" but what ever came out Kennedi babble talk was special.

Gary & Danielle
Grandpa and Grandma stopped by to give the kids a special treat.
Phoenix & Kaiah Kent and the gang!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Kaiah & Nina

Sharpay and Sleeping Beauty were dressed up and on their way to school. I was lucky enough to get a couple of pictures before they were out the door. Today the kindergarten classes were able to dress in their costumes at school. Grades 1-5 had to dress in western wear. How SAD:( I remember back in the day when you dressed up for school and then each class was able to walk through all the different classrooms to show off their costumes. What happened to those days? Kaden didn't seem to mind. We will get dressed up tomorrow and go trick~or~treating in our new neighborhood. Can't wait!!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Kaiah and Emma~ I just love to photograph these two girls. They are always so excited to see one another so its easy to get great pics because they are always so giggly:) I thought this was a sweet cousin picture.

My Vision

They say if you have a vision "Bawden Photography" then anything is possible. Even though in my previous blogs I've been pretty hard on myself, I do feel like I am moving in the right direction. Not all my pictures are great quality but I will get one here or there. I am not having much luck in "manual" mode but I will not give up. I wish I had a tutor or mentor but thats not easy to come by. I have been glued to the computer as I have mentioned previously. I have found a photographer in Hawaii who seems to dish out a lot of helpful information on her blog She seems to make sense and its nice that she speaks to the beginner photographer. To all of you who feel my pain please check out her site. I also recently signed up with Digital Photography School and its a free newletter with all kinds of helpful information. One of these days when my life (schedule) permits I will get around to taking a few classes.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Ashley & Daron

Happy Birthday "DK"

Sister Ashley and Brother Cameron with Birthday boy DK

Happy Birthday DK. He is turning the big "23" today. Lastnight the kids came over and we celebrated DK's birthday. Kent made a yellow cake with chocolate frosting and it was yummy:) Since DK has moved to California we don't get to see him as much and we miss that.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

My Easy Rider

I hardly ever post blogs on my husband. It seems like he is never around when I have the camera in hand. Yesterday he found sometime to take a spin around town on his beautiful bike. Since he works so much he really never has any extra time for himself. Kent works very hard and then comes home and helps me with kids and chores around the house. What an awesome husband I have. He is an amazing cook and he can clean the house better than I can. I've suggested he quit his job and stay at home with the kids and I'll work 24/7. Wow, I couldn't imagine working 7 days a week 12 hour shifts. I better be careful on what I say... He might take me up on it.

Flag Football "Chiefs"

Kaden is currently playing flag football and he was drafted for the Chiefs. We are at the half way point and his skills just keep getting better and better. Prior to our move we had always participated with NYS. I found a different league here in the northwest and I think its much more organized but it also seems a little more competitive. The boys on Kaden's team play extremely well and the coaches are awesome. Coach Ken played football for UNLV and this is his first time coaching flag football. The coach and his two assistance have been wonderful working with these boys and we would love to be a part of their future teams.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Photo Op Field Trip

Yesterday I forced myself to go out on a little field trip with my two youngest children to take pictures. I'm sure you are wondering why I said forced myself but it was the first time I tried using manual mode on my camera. What is this iso, shutter speed, apeture etc. and how does it all work together? For the past three days I have been reading everything I possibly can on digital photography and I'm still confused. Why doesn't this just come naturally for me as it seems like it does for others. I spend countless hours looking at blogs (pictures) and I'm so inspired by others but it just gets so overwhelming at times. Maybe I'll be a professional photographer in my next lifetime. I don't plan on quitting my day job anytime soon. I guess you could say I don't lack passion but its obvious I do lack skill. Above are a few of the hundreds of pictures I took. Thank goodness for Photoshop.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Karson 1 Month

Yes, yes, yes Karson is almost two months old but I am just getting my life organized and I put together this page for his baby book. He is so stinkin cute. He was on the skinny side when he was born but this boy has plumped up quickly. Watch out Jenny Craig Karson your new poster child. Just kidding he is perfect - totally "kissalicious."

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Scrapping Again

I rarely find the time to scrapbook anymore but today I was able to put together a couple of pages. I really find scrapbooking therapeutic and I wish I had more time to do it.

There are so many wonderful digital scrapbook sites and they have great ideas for layouts. I can't take credit for these two pages. I bought the collection set from and I used the example they provided as a guide. All the different sites I purchase from have great ideas and I just love looking... can you say Addiction:) All the money and time I've spent I hope pays off in about 20 years. I hope my children get as much enjoyment looking at em' as I get in making em.'

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Karson 7 weeks old

My sweet sweet baby! He has developed such a cute personality. He has starting cooing and I just love that sound babies make.
Look at me I can hold my head up for 3 seconds.
Look at my adorable smile. He has such big beautiful blue eyes. I know all babies are born with blue eyes but between Kent and I both having blue eyes I can almost say for sure Karson will too.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Halloween Card

Normally I would of sent this card out via mail but we are in a crunch just like everyone else so I am trying to cut cost as much as possible. Yes I love to show my kids off so I get pretty excited when I can put something together. Halloween is just around the corner and I haven't put one decoration up yet. I better sift through all the boxes in the garage so I can find what little halloween items I have. I've never really got overly excited about HALLOWEEN but now that I have four kids my attitude better change. There are several houses in my neighborhood that have decorated to the hill. As we drive by I can see how excited my kids get and the same reaction everytime "mom, can we decorate our house like that?" Now did I mention my kids do not understand $$$$$$$$$ and so my response is "maybe next year." At least I can say we did get our costumes already and we are for sure ready to trick~or~treat but I just wish I could get more into the spirit. Any advise???????

Thursday, October 2, 2008

After the Orchard

I didn't feel comfortable lying my son in the pumpkin patch so I took some pictures of him back at the house. Yes he looks miserable resting on the pumpkin. This is his first halloween so I have to make the best of it.
Vicki and her two beautiful children Caitlyn and Andrew. Thank you Vicki for the pumpkins. The pictures just would not of been the same. I owe you:)
Carolyn and her adorable son Logan. We had a blast going to the pumpkin patch with you all. I just got a kick out of your blog and I hope everyone gets a chance to read it. Please see my friends and family list and click on Carolyns link. Lets plan more playdates in the future.

Kent & Jacquie

Kent & Jacquie

Kennedi & Daddy

Kennedi & Daddy
I love my Daddy!

Kaden & Kaiah

Kaden & Kaiah

Mommy & Kennedi

Mommy & Kennedi

Kaiah & Kennedi

Kaiah & Kennedi
sisters forever!