Wednesday, November 19, 2008

School Pictures

Not Bad, not bad. Here are the kids school pictures. Kaiah isn't camera shy and Kaden warms up to the camera more each year.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Grandma Jane's Visit

Grandma Jane came into town last week for a couple days. We had a fun visit. She enjoyed all chaois that goes on over here and she even experienced her first High School Musical movie. Grandma is a big Nascar fan. We drove out to the Speedway so she could take a few photos. We are hoping that Grandma and Greg make it out in March for the next big race and they could stay with us again. Yes I know thats a ways off.

We all had a fun time with Grandma. Can't wait until we can see her again! Lots of love.


Yes I am a bit late posting my halloween pictures. Better late than never. I recently went back to work and trying to staying ontop of everything has been overwhelming.

The Badgewell's from our old neighborhood joined in on the festivities. We all started out at our wonderful neighhors house Gary and Danielle. We ordered some Rosatti's Pizza and then headed out for a night of trick or treating. The kids eneded up with tonzzzzzzzzz of candy, a mouth full of cavities waiting to happen. Kennedi was really cute to watch. Every house she walked up to and received a piece of candy she felt she needed to eat it right on the spot. She did a goood job. Couldn't quite say "trick or treat" but what ever came out Kennedi babble talk was special.

Gary & Danielle
Grandpa and Grandma stopped by to give the kids a special treat.
Phoenix & Kaiah Kent and the gang!

Kent & Jacquie

Kent & Jacquie

Kennedi & Daddy

Kennedi & Daddy
I love my Daddy!

Kaden & Kaiah

Kaden & Kaiah

Mommy & Kennedi

Mommy & Kennedi

Kaiah & Kennedi

Kaiah & Kennedi
sisters forever!