Saturday, December 13, 2008

Time is just slipping away

Why don't I feel like there is enough time in the day to get anything done. Before I had my fourth baby I thought I could do it all. Now you throw one more into the mix and its completely turned my world upside down. I don't understand? Can anyone please explain? I am exhausted all the time and CRANKY. I'm trying to get a schedule down but its been a slow process.

Christmas.... Oh did I say that out loud! I can't believe its 12 days away and I'm not even close to being ready. I am having a hard time getting into the spirit this year but I'm forcing myself because of the four beautiful children who look forward to Santa arriving down our Chimney. Well I can't really call it a chimney because its a flame with a flip of a switch. What do they call those? Okay I am starting to sound real negative I better change my tune real quick. We are going to go decorate our stockings and ornaments now. I'll check in later.

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