Friday, September 28, 2007


Kaiah is 4 1/2 years old going on twenty!!! She is such a joy and loves all the attention. Kaiah started pre-Kindergarten this year at Mrs. Robin's School. What a lovely lady Mrs. Robin is. Kaiah is having a ball. Kaiah also learned how to ride a two wheeler yesterday and she did it on her first try. Enough though we all know how dangerous the "Razor" scooters are, I have to give them credit because that is how both of my two older children learned how to ride a bike so fast. Its the balance coordination they learn from the scooters at an early age. Just a food for thought. Kaiah has been enrolled in gym class for the past year and half. I don't see a big future in gym for her but look out American Idol you might see this girl soon. Kaiah loves to sing and dance. She can carry a tune and also has a bit of rhythm too. She loves being a big sister!

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Kent & Jacquie

Kent & Jacquie

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Kennedi & Daddy
I love my Daddy!

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Kaden & Kaiah

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Mommy & Kennedi

Kaiah & Kennedi

Kaiah & Kennedi
sisters forever!