Saturday, March 15, 2008

Hippity Hoppity!!!

The Easter Bunny is almost here. I had a little free time today to actually sit in front of my computer and put together this "Easter" page. I've really had alot of fun putting these digit scrapbook pages together. I have so many scrapbooks of the family, kids, weddings, vacations and holidays but most of the really good ones I've had someone else put them together. Digital scrapbooking just seems so much easier and its really fun. I'm trying to get all of you scrapbookies turned onto digital. I see a few of you have made the switch and your pages that I've seen on your blogs are awesome.

This Easter the kids and I will be spending time with my family in California. Kaden and Kaiah left for California yesterday and will be spending their Spring Break with their father. Kennedi and I will be meeting them at Grandpa Jack's house next thursday.

I hope you all have a wonderful Easter.

Bunny Hugs and Kisses,


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Kent & Jacquie

Kent & Jacquie

Kennedi & Daddy

Kennedi & Daddy
I love my Daddy!

Kaden & Kaiah

Kaden & Kaiah

Mommy & Kennedi

Mommy & Kennedi

Kaiah & Kennedi

Kaiah & Kennedi
sisters forever!